Pocket-Sized Gurus

Pregnancy, birth and motherhood are times of change on a physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual levels. Motherhood teaches us to discover who we really are, beneath the roles that we play. Often, we approach children with ideas about what we can teach them about this life. It’s true that we have important information to pass … Continue reading Pocket-Sized Gurus

A Time to Freeze

Just because you have been given a due date, it doesn’t  mean that your baby will arrive on that date, nor does it mean that your baby is overdue. The date we are given is not the date your baby will arrive, it’s an approximate idea of when your baby will be ready to be … Continue reading A Time to Freeze

Heal Your Home

Home should be the one place  where we can go to retreat from chaos and raise our energy. Our home space which we surround ourselves is very often an expression of where we are emotionally and spiritually. I believe that our homes are a clear reflections of ourselves, for better or for worse. They are … Continue reading Heal Your Home

Get Dirty!

If your childhood play time was anything like mine, then chances were you were covered head to toe in dirt by the end of the day. I emphasize toes, because I was always playing outside or in the woods barefoot and free. Partially because I just didn't care back then and the other half was … Continue reading Get Dirty!

No RX Needed!

Many people state stress is a normal part of life. But then again, what is normal? "Show me a normal man and I will cure him.” -Sigmund Freud Let's face it, the holidays are meant to be a magical time, yet many of us find ourselves weighed down by the hustle and bustle. Holiday stress … Continue reading No RX Needed!

The Right Mindset

Positive vibes aren't just for hippies. If you can find any authentic reason to give thanks, anything that is going right with the world or your life, and put your attention there, then statistics say you’re going to be better off.

The Love You Need

To love yourself is to be in awe of the miracle of your existence. It is about knowing you are worth it.

Ready for Action?

Most of my clients already have heard or read about the practice of goal setting and why it is important to their growth. Yet, when I ask about their goals or how many  are actually written down, the usual responses are ," I never thought about really doing that" or "They aren't but I have … Continue reading Ready for Action?

Healing Waters

For thousands of years, baths have been used to cleanse, detoxify, and beautify.