In My Head

In today's world this is the norm for a lot of us; a badge of honor. "I just want everything to be right" . And we laugh and shrug our shoulders, smiling at our slightly neurotic- but by all means productive- tendencies.

Straight Outta My Twenties

Dear 20 year old Sam, First, let me tell you that you my dear are Pure Fucking Magic! You will forget this at times but it's okay because it will lead you back home. There are about one thousand things I could write here already, but I’m going to try to stick with what I … Continue reading Straight Outta My Twenties

Why Wait for Love?

As February 14th quickly approaches, so does the long list of expectations that comes with it. But what if this year you choose to do things a little differently?

Keep it Clean

If we recall a couple of centuries ago, people simply lacked knowledge about bacteria or dangerous chemicals. They did not understand the need to keep their bodies clean and to prevent their food from going bad. We may look back at that time and consider it primitive compared to what we know today. We might … Continue reading Keep it Clean

If Your Body Could Talk: What Would the Story Be?

The body is extremely intelligent and remembers everything. It is a storehouse of all life's experiences that leave an energetic trace: the scared child, isolated teenager, depressed college student, frustrated young mother.

Hit the Reset Button

Most of us by now, have heard the phrase, "You can't fill up another cup if yours is empty." What exactly does this mean though? We understand that if we are radiating love out to others the probability that this will cause a ripple effect on those around us is high. Yet, more frequently than … Continue reading Hit the Reset Button