Alternative First Aid Kit

If you are like most people you have a conventional first aid kit containing peroxide, neosporin, bandaids, Tylenol and a lot more if you have kids.

As a Wellness Coach, who is very aware of everything I put on and in my body, I advocate a different supply list in my kit. My goal here is to familiarize you with some products that you may be unaware of.

It’s important to note here this is my own personal opinion and I am not a medical doctor. Prior to trying any of these items please consult with your healthcare provider.

Rescue Remedy– Ever since the birth of my daughter, and my first encounter with this amazing product I have been a lover ever since. I take this stuff everywhere with me and I even have the version for kids. It’s great for any situation where there is a trauma (accident, burn, fright, shock, etc.). It’s a little costly but a little goes a long way. I personally enjoy the pastels version.

Lavender Essential Oil– This is one of my go to oils for so many things. It’s great for application on the skin with a carrier oil, for burns, bites, or rashes. It is also a great oil to help calm and relax, and is great used around bedtime to help ease into sleep.

Coconut Oil– Oh I will have to make a post dedicated specifically to this magnificent product. Little personal disclaimer, I am a coconut oil addict! It’s such a versatile oil that is great for soothing and healing of the skin from cuts, to burns, and acne as well. It also is great to help heal tattoos (for all my ink junkies). For best results, use organic, unrefined, cold pressed oil.

Reiki- Once you have been attuned to this beautiful healing energy this tool is forever yours. This energy is always available,and has the ability to bring healing to all levels of the body (physical, mental, and spiritual).

Arnica- is extremely effective in removing bruises, bringing down swelling, and easing aches. Commonly found in two forms; gel or homeopathic.

Apple Cider Vinegar– Another one that I will be writing a post about all the ways this product has changed my life. Great to use to stop sinus issues, allergies, decrease cold symptoms and alleviate sore throats. I personally love Braggs but regardless of brand look for unfiltered organic and with the mother in it.

Epsom Salts– Soothe sprains, take stress reliving detox bath, reduce inflammation, relieve constipation, and so much more. Follow directions on package.

Frankincense Essential Oil– is effective as an antiseptic. Those antiseptic qualities also make frankincense oil a useful preventative measure against oral issues, like bad breath, toothaches, cavities, mouth sores, and other infections. Frankincense acts as a coagulant, helping to stop bleeding from wounds and cuts.The astringent property of Frankincense Oil has many benefits, because it strengthens gums, hair roots, tones and lifts skin, contracts muscles, intestines and blood vessels, and thereby gives protection from premature losses of teeth and hair.

These are a few of the items we always keep on hand. What are your must haves? I would love to hear in the comments below.

With a Grateful Heart,


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